7 Tips to Shift Your Mindset After a Bad Day
We’ve all had those days. We start out feeling motivated and excited. And then little things start chipping away at it. Then it turns into big things. Then you get pissed off at everything and everybody.
That was me yesterday. Fortunately, I’ve learned how to literally put on the brakes and change the energy. Here are some tips on how to shift your mindset and re-start your week.
Break the Cycle. I know, you’re going to say you’re not causing any of the problems, and you’re right. But your focus on problems is causing your day to spiral. This is Law of Attraction. It’s NOT positive thinking. It’s simply where you’re focusing your attention. By focusing on the thought “I don’t want any more problems”, the universe simply hears more problems and gives them to you. Literally you need to shift your perspective and focus on whatever, even if it’s the tiniest thing, that’s going right.
Give yourself a time out. Literally – like just say no to whatever you were planning. Yesterday I got stuck in traffic and the minute I got home I needed to start thinking about dinner because I needed to pick my daughter up from her cheer practice. I love cooking and I was planning on making empanadas, but I found myself annoyed and resentful as I was looking at the clock. I finally said, “screw it”, threw some burgers on the grill and put a bagged salad on the plates and voila – dinner was served which allowed me some time to go out for a walk and relax. Way more important than cooking a meal that would have taken up that time.
Breathe. Seriously. When we’re stressed we tend to hold our breath. If you’re sitting at a traffic light, if you’re at your desk or even if you’re in the bathroom practice relaxing breathing. Breathe in for a count of 4, hold it for a count of 4 and breathe out for a count of 4. Do this 5 times and you’ll feel your body relaxing.
Write it down. While all the little annoyances built up over the day, chances are that they’ve become way bigger in your head (which is probably ready to explode.) Write down a list of all the things that happened. This will do two things –
- It will get everything out of your head which will immediately relax you
- You can look at the list and probably realize there wasn’t as much as you thought but you can also figure out practical steps for dealing with it all.
Do some aromatherapy. I have several essential oils – lavender, eucalyptus, orange and peppermint and use them to help my mood and my overall health. Certain scents can invigorate you or calm you down. I put them in a diffuser, dab on my temples, put a few drops into a hot shower with me, even just sniff them. They help tremendously.
Get your heart pumping. There’s nothing like getting your endorphins to kick in for clearing your mind. If it’s too late to go for a walk outside put on some music and dance. Even do jumping jacks. Whatever you want to do to get your energy up. Whatever you do, don’t just sit there!
Tune out. The last thing you need to do is go on social media and get annoyed by posts or watch the news. Stay away from toxic energy. Instead read a book or turn on a comedy. If you have a friend who you know will make you laugh or put everything in perspective reach out but if it’s someone who’s going to try and top your complaints stay away.
We all have crappy days and that will always be the case. But by creating perspective and practicing self-care they don’t have to cause us to spiral down.
Are you stressed by all of the demands on your time from family and work? Get my free guide 5 Steps to Create a Chill Life.
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