Day 1 – 7 Days to CRUSH Your Limiting Belief

Before we jump in I wanted to tell you a bit about myself.

I’m a life coach and motivational speaker who helps women overcome fear and challenges to achieve their personal and professional goals. While I have a very successful business and a very happy marriage it took hard work to get here.

I’m the mom of three kids the oldest of whom has Intellectual Disabilities. My first son died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in 1997.I went through a very tough divorce which led me to having to declare bankruptcy and financial ruin.  I then met and married an amazing man who, unfortunately was diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis four weeks after we were married.  He went from walking at our wedding to being in a wheelchair full time in the span of 2 years.

I had to get past a TON of fear and hurdles to get to where I am right now, but I did it – and so can you!

So, what’s the nagging voice in your head saying that’s stopping you from being happy? It’s actually circular thought that’s keeping you stuck.  It goes like this:

  • This is what I believe.
  • I support this believe with unhealthy/unproductive actions.
  • The outcomes support my belief.

Here’s an example of how this plays out:

  • You’ve been told by your parents that you shouldn’t enjoy happiness too much because it never lasts long, the proverbial other shoe always drops.
  • Whenever something good happens in your life you do something self-destructive either consciously or subconsciously.
  • The reinforcement of your belief that happiness never lasts stops you from striving for relationships or a career that would make you happy.

This week we’re going to break this cycle for one of your beliefs.

Attached is a worksheet to start understanding how your limiting belief has been affecting you.

For today, start thinking about where you feel “stuck” in your life and reply back to me – I’d love to hear what it is.

P.S. Don’t forget to head over to my Facebook Group My Midlife Tribe: Fabulous, Fierce Females to meet more kick-ass women in midlife and get additional support from me.